Sunday, December 13, 2009

Fain In Spain, Stay Mainly In...Canon PowerShot G11

The trip to Spain is an impromptu decision, partly personal and partly pragmatic – need to exhaust the vacation time cumulated before it expires at the end of the year, and the relatively mild climate of Madrid and Barcelona seem to be a good getaway from the New England winter.

I’ve specifically upgraded my digital camera for this trip. Correctly speaking, I was advised by a friend who is a connoisseur in photography to try out Canon PowerShot G10 almost a year ago after I complained about my camera didn't handle night photography too well. As the ever careful consumer it took me a year and a trip to make up my mind but by then Canon has already released the next model of Powershot, the G11. After considering the pro and con between the two I decide to go with the better night shooting enhancement of G11 over the extra mega pixel of G10.

The front of the camera

The back of the camera

One neat thing about G11, at least to me it is neat, is the tilt/swivel LCD monitor. By tilting/swiveling the monitor it allows you to take shots that are hard to frame with the fixed LCD panel provided by the G10 model. The down side of it is the size of the panel has to be reduced to 2.8 inches diagonal from 3.0 inches of G10

The LCD monitor in the back can be flipped open to 180 degree

And it can be rotate about 90 degree downward and 180 degree upward

After you flip open the LCD Monitor to 180 degree, turn it upward 180 degree and then close it, you have the whole monitor in the back just like most standard digital cameras.

This design provides you a large preview during filming but also the protection of a hidden LCD moniter while the camera is not in use.

When I was reading some online reviews of the camera during shopping, many of them have stated that G11 doesn't allow zooming during video recording. That of course is a turn-off but I decide to go ahead due to the reputed improvement in night shooting. Then to my surprise, G11 actually does allow zooming in video recording:

Above is a clip I tape in the backyard of my house

G11 provides three different modes of video recording. In additions to standard mode, there is Colour Swap mode which will swap one colour of your choice to another. It is this non-standard recording mode that doesn't allow you to zoom but for a trickery like this I doubt it matters.

Here I swapped the color light grey to red in my backyard. The effect is only passable but you got the idea.

G11 also provides a Colour Accent mode which allows you to keep one single selected colour and turn the rest to just black and white.

Here I accented the pastel yellow of my backyard

All these colour enhancement would probably work better on a static photograph than the dynamic video clip. OK enough of the gadget, next will be the actual trip. Stay tuned.


Wordy said...

Still on the road or homed? What a late visit to your "place", and eventually :)

My first DC, bought in 2004, was also a PowerShot with swivel LCD monitor.

Now I use G9, bought right before G10 was released last year. The spec of G11 is fairly much like G9 in various aspects. Of course G11 has been much fine-tuned. Rarely use my G9 as I find it bulky ... My bro got G10 and I found it too heavy, and it hasn't been improved in some departments, like 夜攝 (Fuji's better) and 廣角 (Panasonic works much better, generally).

But I still have to admit G11 is a nice one :)

shangri_la said...

Actually the trip was over a month ago. It just takes me forever to finish arranging the photo and documentating my travelogue. Now you can see why I don't often update my blog :-)

I promise I will write something about 《砂の器》but you will have to bear with me

Wordy said...

take your time; until then I will do your detailed and poetic travelogue first :)